5 Surprising Stories of Kids Who Were Raised By Animals


#2 – Marina Chapman, the Monkey Girl

Marina Chapman, the Monkey Girl
Image Source: The Guardian
In 1954, Marina Chapman was a 5 years old girl when she was kidnapped and abandoned in the mysterious jungle of Colombia. Alone and afraid, she was held by a tribe of Capuchin Monkeys; a highly intelligent species of monkeys that inhabits the wet forests. For five years, she was living with the Capuchins as a normal monkey; she acquired and adapted to their life easily, she was eating, drinking and socializing exactly as a Monkey, they also taught her how to avoid predators and look for preys to remain alive. Later on, Marina was found by hunters who took her to Britain.

Marina Chapman, the Monkey Girl .
Image Source: NatGeoTV
Fortunately, she was able to overcome the wildlife. Now, Marina Chapman is a British housewife with two daughters. Lately, she released her own book that describes her exciting journey in the wildlife, the book is entitled “the unknown girl: the unbelievable story of the girl who was raised by monkeys”.



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