10 Surprising Foods That Can KILL Your Dog


5. Bacon and Fatty Meat

Bacon and Fatty Meat
Image Source: bunkblog.net // Under the Table with Jen

Stop giving your dog bacon! It’s commonly known that high-fat foods like bacon and meat trimmings can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Also, high salt content which is a major ingredient of these meats could lead to upset stomachs and increased thirst. Furthermore, it can lead to extreme bloating and this can be fatal. So forget about giving (or sneaking) it to your pup!

6. Onions and Garlic

Image Source: The Smart Canine

Keep these two pungent vegetables away from your dog. Actually, they will destroy your pup’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. Moreover, you have to be aware that even small or regular little doses of garlic or onion may lead to poisoning. Other symptoms include breathlessness, vomiting, weakness, and a loss of interest in food.



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