This Is Why Your Cat keeps Meowing At You All The Time


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Surprisingly, there are experts who found out that the sound of “meow” as we know it, has developed in the human brain and we started to associate it with the needy cry of a little child, but little kittens meow all the time. So we can’t jump to a conclusion that says cats learned to meow only when they have requests.

Moreover, cats meow at countless tones, pitches, frequencies, lengths, and volumes. For example, the meow you hear when it is waiting for you to open the door is not the same as the meow of “I am about to be fed”, which basically can confuse us even more.

On the other hand, if you have ever heard two cats meowing, you would understand that their voices are not similar, not even their tone. Away from each one’s different voice box machinery, the difference in the voices can come from the cat’s personality, too.

For example, I personally own a cat that you could never hear his meowing, his voice is too low and too “polite”, even if he needs something so badly. My neighbor’s cat, on the other hand, has the loudest, most obnoxious voice I ever heard, and he does it all the time even if he doesn’t need anything.




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