The Most Dangerous Animals In The World



Golden Poison Dart Frog

Golden Poison Dart Frog

© Wikipedia

The dangerous type lives in northern South America, and they mostly come in large, diverse group of colored frogs that may look cute at first, but are truly untrustworthy. There is only a handful of “frog” species that are dangerous to humans, but golden poison dart is the deadliest one.

These frogs grow around two inches long, and they hang out in the rainforests around the Pacific Coast of Colombia. Batrachotoxin is the name of its poison, and it is so potent; one frog can kill 10 grown men.

Its poison is located beneath its skin, which means one single touch could send you to your ending. Due to deforestation, these frogs are now on many endangered lists. So it may be rare to see one, but be careful anyway!




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